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Date : 1998-11-24
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Understanding DCOM William Rubin Marshall Brain ~ Understanding DCOM cuts through the confusion showing experienced Windows C developers exactly how to plan build and deploy Distributed component applications William Rubin and Marshall Brain first reduce DCOM to its essentials as a straightforward system for building reusable components
Understanding distributed COM DCOM Active UNDELETE ver2 ~ Understanding distributed COM DCOM The Distributed Component Object Model DCOM is a protocol that enables software components to communicate directly over a network in a reliable secure and efficient manner
Understanding DCOM by Marshall Brain Raoul Rubin ~ Understanding DCOM cuts through the confusion showing experienced Windows C developers exactly how to plan build and deploy Distributed component applications William Rubin and Marshall Brain first reduce DCOM to its essentials as a straightforward system for building reusable components
Understanding DCOM Part I Castle of SARAVANESH J ~ 2ng 1 of 15 Distributed COM By William Rubin and Marshall Brain Introduction DCOM stands for Distributed COM In the previous two articles we have demonstrated COM
DCOM The Wireshark Wiki ~ Microsoft Distributed Component Object Model DCOM The distributed object protocol from Microsoft similar to CORBA but less powerful As Microsoft is preferring SOAP for this kind of purpose now you might call it a kind of obsolete
What is DCOM Distributed Component Object Model ~ DCOM Distributed Component Object Model is a set of Microsoft concepts and program interfaces in which client program object s can request services from server program objects on other computers in a network DCOM is based on the Component Object
Understanding DCOM Windows Server Spiceworks ~ Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks It seems a lot of applications still use DCOM Honestly I havent programmed dealt with it so consider me a total noob Anyways we had some software crash around 400am at a site this morning and it seems to be DCOM related
William Rubin ↠´ Understanding Dcom sweden PDF Read ~ William Rubin ↠´ Understanding Dcom sweden PDF Read Online ã If you want to write the COM equivalent of a Hello World program this book will show you how to do it very simply It also provides a basic overview of the most important COM topics threading callbacks connections points but the coverage is generally on the light side The book works as a readable and succinct introduction to COM but those seeking greater mastery of the subject will have to look elsewhere
Understanding and Using DICOM the Data Interchange ~ DICOM is a message standard a specification for interchange of information between computer systems DICOM is a comprehensive specification of information content structure encoding and communications protocols for electronic interchange of diagnostic and therapeutic images and imagerelated information
Distributed Component Object Model Wikipedia ~ Distributed Component Object Model DCOM is a proprietary Microsoft technology for communication between software components on networked computers DCOM which originally was called Network OLE extends Microsofts COM and provides the communication substrate under Microsofts COM application server infrastructure
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