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Date : 2002-06-17
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VoiceXML Introduction to Developing Speech Applications ~ VoiceXML excels at introducing the process of developing speechenabled applications With advice including how to phrase a prompt how to specify grammar for recognizing the callers response to a prompt and what to do if the caller does not respond appropriately this text answers fundamental speech userinterface questions
Books – VoiceXML ~ VoiceXML Introduction to Developing Speech Applications VoiceXML excels at introducing the process of developing speechenabled applications With advice including how to phrase a prompt how to specify grammar for recognizing the caller’s response to a prompt and what to do if the caller does not respond appropriately this text answers fundamental speech userinterface questions
VoiceXML Introduction to Developing Speech Applications ~ VoiceXML Introduction to Developing Speech Applications James A Larson Chapters 8 Applicationdirected styles and dialog documents 81 Introduction to dialogs Everyone speaks in hundreds of dialogs every day Each of us would like to believe that designing a dialog document is easy—nothing to it
Chapter 1 VoiceXML Introduction Voice Application ~ VoiceXML Language Voice eXtensible Markup Language VoiceXML is an XMLbased Internet markup language for developing speech interfaces It is the language of the “voice Web” which enables telephone access to Internethosted content Think of it as HTML for the phone Speech interfaces enable users to interact with applications using their voices rather than through the computer keyboard and monitor You have probably encountered
VoiceXML Introduction to Developing Speech Applications ~ VoiceXML excels at introducing the process of developing speechenabled applications With advice including how to phrase a prompt how to specify grammar for recognizing the callers response to a prompt and what to do if the caller does not respond appropriately this text answers fundamental speech userinterface questions
VoiceXML introduction to developing speech applications ~ VoiceXML is the XML language for voice applications and voice is the bridge connecting the Internet with telephone networks by using examples a case study and a supporting Web site this book Read
VoiceXML and Multimodal Applications An Introduction ~ VoiceXML applications generate two types of audible output The first speech synthesis provides automated speech from words in texts and is wellsuited for dynamic output applications and for testing and refining voicebased services
VoiceXML Developer Series Introduction ~ VoiceXML is an XML format that utilizes existing telephony technology to interact with users over the telephone through speech recognition speech synthesis and standard Web technologies The first edition of the VoiceXML Developer series will provide you with a synopsis of VoiceXML and a glimpse into the technology used to develop VoiceXML applications
VoiceXML Wikipedia ~ It is used for developing audio and voice response applications such as banking systems and automated customer service portals VoiceXML applications are developed and deployed in a manner analogous to how a web browser interprets and visually renders the Hypertext Markup Language HTML it receives from a web server
Speech Technologies and Standards ~ • First large speech applications deployed Servizio 1412 e 12 Telecomitalia FSINFORMA Trenitalia • Speech Technologies and Platforms – LOQUENDO spinoff in 2001 • Engines speech recognition speech synthesis speaker verification • Embedded speech technologies • VoiceXML platform VoxNauta and MRCPbased server Loquendo
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