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Date : 2003-11-16
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Category : Book

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High Performance TCPIP Networking Concepts Issues and ~ The book High Performance TCPIP Networking provides a very thorough description and insight into the stateoftheart in this field The book starts with a description of TCPIP basics and slowly builds on appropriate models explains interesting performance aspects observed in simulations and concludes with both software and hardware based implementations
High Performance TCPIP Networking Mahbub Hassan Raj ~ High Performance TCPIP Networking Concepts Issues and Solutions is a comprehensive guide to the study of its topic Our book provides an indepth coverage of 1 tools and techniques for the performance evaluation of TCPIP networks 2 performance concepts and issues for running TCPIP over wireless mobile optical and satellite networks 3 congestioncontrol algorithms in hosts and routers and 4 high performance implementation of TCPIP protocol stack
High Performance TCPIP Networking Mahbub Hassan and Raj ~ High Performance TCPIP Networking by Mahbub Hassan and Raj Jain available in Hardcover on also read synopsis and reviews Written by best selling author Raj Jain and his authoritative coauthor this book
High Performance TCPIP Networking by Mahbub Hassan ~ High Performance TCPIP Networking Designed for onesemesterquarter undergraduategraduate courses in Advanced Computer Networks Advanced TCPIP Networks High Performance Networks and Internetworking in departments of computer science electrical engineering and computer and information sciences
Hassan Jain High Performance TCPIP Networking Pearson ~ High Performance TCPIP Networking
High Performance TCPIP Networking InformIT ~ Focus on both wireless and optical networking—Addresses TCP performance issues in these networks satellite networks tradeoffs and the optimization of performance Explains the concepts issues and solutions for building high performance TCPIP networks and familiarizes students with “performance” issues and solutions
PDF High performance TCPIP networking Raj Jain ~ The world is undergoing a revolution in information and communication technology Not only the lives of citizens but also the networking technology are profoundly affected by this revolution Traditional wired networks are being replaced or
High Performance TCPIP Networking ~ High Performance TCPIP Networking Concepts Issues and Solutions Mahbub Hassan The University of New South Wales Raj Jain The Ohio State University Upper Saddle River New Jersey 07458
PDF High performance TCP IP networking concepts ~ High Performance TCPIP Networking Concepts Issues and Solutions is a comprehensive guide to the study of its topic
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